My main research interests are K3 surfaces, moduli spaces, birational geometry, and K-stability.
My PhD project explicitly constructs all Type II degenerations of K3 surfaces of degree 4, and performs an algorithm to obtain lattices from the geometric data.
I am working on a project in K-stability with Erroxe Etxabarri Alberdi and Theo Papazachariou, attempting to improve a bound of Liu-Zhao to study the K-moduli space of family 3.3 in the Mori-Mukai classification.
I am also working on a project with Charles Doran, Eric Pichon-Pharabod and Alan Thompson considering mirror symmetry for Tyurin degenerations and elliptically fibred K3 surfaces. Particularly, we are interested in the geometric information contained in the mirror of the Mordell-Weil group of such elliptic fibrations.